Most of my clients have lasting results with the money changes we make. But what makes some clients more successful than others? I donā€™t judge success by dollar amounts of debt paid or profit made. Some of my most successful clients had overall smaller dollar changes.  I judge success by my clients reaching their financial goals, staying protected at their income milestone, paying themselves and having great job satisfaction. If my clients can remove the stress and uncertainty that can come up around money, I call it a win.  But my most successful clients all have three qualities about them that made them ā€œextraā€ successful.

1 – They have a money goal and a purpose for the money.

My most successful clients have a money goal. Saving to buy a building, leave the 9 to 5 job, open a day spa in 3 years are all examples of my clientā€™s goals and purpose for a set amount of money. These goals arenā€™t fuzzy. They know how much they need, and they have a timeline to make it. If they donā€™t start that way, they get it when we work together. If your money goal is ā€œas much as possibleā€ or ā€œas much as I need to cover overheadā€ you likely donā€™t have the same laser focus to create and make money as my most successful clients do. The truth is, if you aim at nothing, youā€™ll hit it every time. You need to define and write down your goals with a plan to reach them. Not that plans canā€™t grow, change, and evolve, but if you donā€™t start with one at all you arenā€™t going to be able to really measure your progress.

2 – They take immediate action to control their money.

They opened the holding account, they took the utilities off autopay, they started tracking income every day. Some of my clients have done those tasks the same day we have our session! Keeping their laser focus on the goal they take quick action and have wins immediately. I have seen less success with entrepreneurs who are slower to make necessary changes. The motivation to get it done quickly goes away, and often only about half of the recommendations make it into the business. They may pay their expenses intentionally, but they donā€™t make the time to create a monthly spending plan (budget). My most successful clients commit to making changes with their money quickly, one step at a time, and they follow through right away.

3 – They celebrate every financial win and use them to stay motivated.

Letā€™s face it, saving 5 years for a building can get a little boring. Every $200.00 deposit seems tiny in the face of the price for a building. But my most successful clients celebrate every single win, whether it is a deposit into a building fund, or a payday when they proudly sign both the front and the back of their paychecks. Staying motivated can be difficult sometimes, and we all have to deal with the sometime lack of motivation. Celebrating the little things brings joy into the progress, not the end state. If you arenā€™t celebrating and doing a little dance after every sale or payday, I challenge you to start today. Find a small money win and recognize it with gratitude.

Iā€™m on a mission to change the conversation around business money stuff, and that starts with removing the shame we have about money. I talk to business owners every day and there is a single issue that seems universal. They are filled with shame when there is a money mistake or money misstep. Business owners are okay if a marketing promo doesnā€™t have the expected return, or if there is a product that didnā€™t sell. But the moment you ask about or learn about a money thing the willingness to learn from a business decision turns into an attitude of self-blame and shame. We tend to marinate in the emotion of shame about money stuff, and it is blocking us as entrepreneurs.


Research professor and shame expert, Brene Brown, talks about how shame works,ā€œThe less you talk about it, the more you got it. Shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our lives: secrecy, silence, and judgment.ā€ And boy are we ever secretive and silent about the money stuff. We donā€™t want to talk about it or admit that perhaps we donā€™t know how to manage some things around money. There is almost a universally accepted attitude that money stuff should never see the light of day, and that it is not okay to talk about.


Before I go further, I want to tell you that I get it. Mike and I had severe money management issues in our first business, and I didnā€™t want to tell anyone or admit I needed help. We just needed to make more money, and weā€™d be fine. Sound familiar?


Well, you can only, ā€œout earn your mistakesā€ for a short time. It will catch up with you eventually, and in the current Covid-19 situation around the globe, many business owners are being caught up to. Iā€™m no longer quiet about my money mistakes.


They are on my website, and I talk about them freely. Because I donā€™t want to have shame anymore about money and how my mistakes affect running my business. In reality, itā€™s a chance to grow and learn and become better. But shame proliferates. Here are three effects of shame on entrepreneurs that contribute to stress, relationship issues and ultimately business failure.


1. Many business owners have shame around things they did not even know to do.

Entrepreneurs, like people in general sometimes ā€œshouldā€ all over themselves. Like, ā€œI should haveā€ had an emergency fund, or ā€œI shouldnā€™t have ordered that additional thing.ā€ Both of those things may be true, but once these types of things are done, they are done. Feeling shameful around our decisions blocks us from growing and learning.

I want to say for the record right now that business money management is not intuitive.
Managing cashflow when people pay you late isnā€™t a skill that you magically gain when you open a business. We donā€™t call and ask for an extension on a bill because as business owners we should be successful and able to pay everything on time, right? It doesnā€™t always work that way. Shame is preventing us from getting the help we need, from putting processes in place, from not taking it personally when money stuff hits us in business. It needs to stop. It is hurting entrepreneurs. For my e-book, Three Steps to Protect Your Business Income, with advice and tips for your business money visit here.

2. Shame stops people from getting the help they need.


ā€œI should already know what to do, Iā€™m just not doing it,ā€ is a refrain Iā€™ve heard enough to make me scream. People think because they may ā€œknowā€ something that they donā€™t deserve help or support to integrate what they need to do into their systems. And itā€™s the feeling of shame surrounding what we expect from ourselves. We own a business; we need to do it all- perfectly. Bunk. So many business owners are in their passion project, without a passion for the business side or the money stuff. They excel at their core business, but not the ā€œother stuff.ā€ This doesnā€™t make them poor business owners, or failures, or whatever other negative description you can give. It means that they know and flourish in their zone of genius.

Those business owners can and should get support in the rest of the business stuff. Itā€™s smart and protects their livelihood. But many donā€™t, until they get into trouble. Because they donā€™t want to admit they donā€™t know. Maybe they canā€™t read a profit and loss report from their accountant, so what, but they think they should. Maybe they donā€™t really understand the roles of the financial experts of accountants, bookkeepers, and payroll specialists, and their role in protecting the bottom line. But they donā€™t ask about these things because, ā€œI ought to know, Iā€™m in business.ā€ Not so. The help you need is available, you can reach out and get support on things that arenā€™t your passion. And you should.


3. Shame makes business issues personal, and traps entrepreneurs.


I think one of the most devastating things about shame and money is that we turn business cycles and events into our own personal money failures. We donā€™t know how to ride the cycles of business and to even plan for how businesses work. They are dynamic. Many small businesses have irregular or inconsistent income months. Many have cycles of feast and famine in their earnings, particularly in the beginning. But this can happen really at any time. The current Covid-19 situation is causing income insecurity that is preventing many people from spending money at the rate they did even a month ago. This will impact some businesses. At the core, there must be a buyer of your goods and services.


But one of the first places we look when there are business money things is at ourselves. Maybe we did make a mistake. But we refuse to think that there is a learning curve in business. There may be some shame around some decisions, and those feelings of shame continue to hold us in a cycle of personal feelings of failure. In those feelings we cannot solve problems creatively, seek help and support, and put systems in place to protect the business and prevent future issues.


So, how do we fix it? We talk about it. All of it. We take the advice of Brene Brown, “Hereā€™s the bottom line: ā€œShame cannot survive being spoken,ā€ Brown says. ā€œIt cannot survive empathy.ā€ 

 Many people find business tax stuff difficult, and for the most of my clients it is a matter of organization.

Using these four categories of information, you can set yourself up to make taxes in 2021 stress-free.


  1. Track all of your income this year in a single place.

Some people like to use software, some like excel sheets, some get reports from PayPal for example, and some use good old-fashioned pen and paper. You need to account for every dime coming in, and itā€™s best to look at it month by month. I meet way too many entrepreneurs who donā€™t actually track the money coming in.  They just set expenses up on auto pay and use a credit card to cover any negative cash flow. The issue with this approach is that you canā€™t track trends or opportunities to make more money. It further makes quarterly tax deposits a pain. I recommend to my clients that they take 10-15 minutes every week to figure and track that gross income number.


2. Keep your routine expenses organized.

You need to keep everyone and everything you pay every month in one place. This serves two purposes. First, you donā€™t forget to pay something, and you have all of the info at your fingertips if we need to contact a creditor. You can get a free expense organizer from me by visiting and you will have everything ready to go in about 30 minutes. As a bonus, complete the Breakthrough Number worksheets, you will also know the minimum amount you must make every month to breakthrough to profit.  That B-Number has the added bonus of reducing stress and frustration around your expenses.


3. Organize your other receipts by month.

Just take an envelope and write the month on the front. Every expense receipt for the month goes into the envelope. Then the receipt amount and purpose of the expense goes on your monthly tracking sheet. If you buy ink for the printer, for example, write ā€œinkā€ on your tracker, and put the receipt in the envelope for the month. Thatā€™s it! At the end of 2020 you will have 12 envelopes with every expense and 12 months of tracking. This can be used to spot trends in costs and other things that you can use for business planning, as well as for filing taxes.


4. Enroll in EFTPS and deposit your self-employment taxes online.

Take the time now to enroll in the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System at Once you are enrolled you can log in every time you write yourself a paycheck and deposit your taxes. Rather than making quarterly deposits (and perhaps accidentally spending the money), make your smaller deposits, perhaps every time you write yourself a paycheck.  For tax time 2021 you will just print out a summary of payments to the IRS and include it in the documents you give your accountant. Easy peasy.


By taking these few actions above, and consistently tracking your income weekly and your receipts once a month, you will be organized and ready to provide everything to your tax pro in 2021.


When the Breakthrough Number (B-Number) process was developing, I used it for the easy visualization of protecting the inside of your business four walls. It was first created to support a client who knew of the Dave Ramsey ā€œ7 Baby Stepsā€ approach to personal finance. Each of the walls I identified for business helped her make decisions on how to spend money and to put processes in place for money management. Over time I continued to use the approach over and over and finally gave the process a name…

The Breakthrough Number

I know what should happen when people figure out their unique number. They should be more in control of their income. They will know their minimum monthly amount of money the business must bring in, reducing stress and uncertainty. Finally, they will see the wisdom of including their own salary in the business spending plan (budget).

What I didnā€™t foresee happening were these additional, unexpected benefits that came with working through the calculation process.


  1. More accurate wholesale costs.

Iā€™ve worked with several business owners who forgot something, some small or easily forgotten expense that affected their profit margin. Running through each of the walls carefully uncovered things like the cost of blank labels and ink for handmade products. That cost was easily overlooked because it was under $25.00/ month, but it needs to be included because it affects the real cost to the business and needs to be recovered.


2. Finding hidden money and a chance to become leaner.

The first time this happened I was actually in an airport helping a friend run through the breakthrough number process. We were discussing her critical operating expenses and remembered that she had a service she paid for every month that she was no longer using! This service was about $100.00/ year. More than once I have seen clients eliminate or change services and expenses when they take a hard look at deciding what is critical.


3. More confidence in making strategic business decisions.

This benefit was sort of foreseeable in that I knew people could use the process to calculate different scenarios such as hiring new people or adding a service because they would be able to forecast the new expenseā€™s impact on the money. But the way my client uses it to make decisions is quite surprising! She literally just uses her known monthly B-number amount to help her make decisions. Her breakthrough number is about $5k a month and included her personal paycheck. Anytime she wants to do anything different she looks at how much she made over her number that month and how much she has in the bank. She can then say, ā€œOh, this is okay, I made an extra $2k and I can still pay myself for 3 months.ā€ That was her quick ā€˜back of the envelopeā€™ calculation for hiring her part-time VA and a business coach. Amazing!


If you are still without your unique number you can get it today, right now for free.

Just visit to grab your free worksheets. You will have your number in under 30 minutes! Happy Entrepreneuring!  


Yesterday the governor of Ohio extended our lock down until May 1st.  Thatā€™s another four weeks, and it made me suck in my breath when I heard it. Another month seems like forever, at least it did last night. This morning I have a different perspective. I have 28 days to focus on business and personal development, to do some at home projects that have been waiting until, ā€œI have timeā€ and to embrace the warmer weather with the chance to work outdoors.


Itā€™s always good to find the positive to keep spirits up. Admittedly, I woke up a little annoyed this morning, but after about an hour and a call to a friend (and an accountability partner) things feel better. I know that a lot of people are concerned, or even downright scared. The best thing to do right now is to hunker down and take care of ourselves.  In my own household there are going to be changes we need to make around our personal money (and likely many of you as well) and I wanted to give you a little advice on the best way to take care of yourself and your family financially to get through the crisis a little easier.


First and foremost, stash cash.

Know your amount for the personal four walls and pay them first. You need to pay for your four walls- food, utilities, rent/mortgage, and transportation. Apply for the unemployment assistance if you are laid off or furloughed.  If you are a business owner and unable to pay yourself enough to cover your four walls, apply for an emergency disaster loan. The good news is that you probably donā€™t need to gas up the car much. And you are eating at home more, so food bills are probably lower.


Second, call your creditors and ask for payments to be deferred if you cannot make them now.

Forget the FICO, seriously. You need to eat and have electric to cook with. Many banks are starting to get on board with waiving late fees. Let them know you applied for help, but they need to wait until you can pay them without depleting all of your cash.


Third, donā€™t make any financial decisions or make sweeping changes right now.

Keep your money picture consistent right now. Donā€™t cash out 401k or sell stocks, etc. These will have longer term consequences, and there are federal programs that have been created to help all of us get through this crisis. Remember, we are #allinthistogether.

It is the last day of the first quarter 2020, and I wanted to share some numbers with you , statistics really, to show you just how special and amazing you are as an entrepreneur. Read these, and feel free to puff up a little. You take the ups with the downs and show up day after day. That needs some celebration.

So here are some stats about the beautiful group to which we all belong to:


  • 62% of US billionaires are self-made
  • In 2016, there were 25 million Americans who were starting or already running their own business
  • 60% of people who start small businesses are between the ages of 40 and 60.
  • There are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world.
  • The Small Business Administration (SBA) also reports that 1 in 12 businesses closes each year.
    • 5% of small businesses fail within the first year.
  • More than 70% of all small business owners ranked their happiness level higher than 5 on a scale of 1 to 10
  • From 2000 to 2017, small businesses created 4 million net new jobs
  • Currently, 9 million people are employed by small businesses
    • This is a 1.1 million increase from 2016. This currently makes up 47.8% of U.S. employees
    • More than half of small business employees say they feel happy with their job
  • 64% of small businesses currently have a website

For the Ladies:


Pretty great, right?

Print this article out and keep it somewhere you can see it on challenging days. Every day you get up and show up to serve you are a Rockstar. Thanks for bringing your passion project to the world.

Happy Entrepreneuring!

  1. Not separating Business from Personal Accounts. You must have a separate financial identity for your business, even as a solopreneur or freelancer. Keep your money separate and write yourself a paycheck from the business. No living out of the till. Use a fee free checking account for all of your business income, and pay your expenses, including your paycheck, at regular intervals from that account.


  1. Immediately Making Large Purchases for the Business. Often these large purchases are made on credit, putting the business immediately into the negative with debt. Do you need that new computer right now? How about that website? All of those services? Keep the business lean by purchasing only the necessities. Know your B-Number to determine the amount of money you need to make based on prioritized expenses and put large purchases on hold until you have the cash.


  1. Having too Much Personal Debt. Personal income is often dipped into when businesses are first starting. Until the income really gets going, itā€™s not unusual to pay for certain expenses from personal funds. Having a large personal debt load means less money available for business expenses if needed for perhaps a marketing funnel or to pay a large expense that comes up. On the other hand, if you are relaying on your business to pay all of your bills, personal debt means more money needed from the business, and less money staying in the business for growth or new launches.


  1. Not Saving for Emergencies and ā€œDown Times.ā€ Business is cyclical. It just is. Income will be variable, particularly in new businesses who are starting to get visibility and a steady income stream. It is always a good idea to keep an emergency fund on hand- set aside into a free checking account for those months where you donā€™t make enough to pay those B-Number expenses. Some advice for starting and funding an emergency fund can be found here.


    1. Not Having a Clear Spending Plan for Your Business. Money can easily run off and spend itself when your business doesnā€™t have a spending plan. Always starting from the B-Number, where is any extra money going? You may get by for a bit, but having a plan ensures you can afford to take certain steps in your business. Taking 45 minutes a month to map out upcoming expenses or expansions and what you plan to spend where. If you need accountability or help with your plan, go ahead and check out our Business Money Planning Group.10

When I was at a conference in San Diego last month, I had an epiphany about most new business owners and their business money stuff. Typically, when I work with a family on personal financial management there is a history of making financial decisions that became habit. When we work together, we have to often change years of money habits so my clients can reach their goals.  Business money management is different. Entrepreneurs are not generally ā€œtaughtā€ how to manage their money. Rather than a habit to change, there is some learning that needs to happen.


In personal finance we are generally dealing with a set amount of money that consistently comes into a household as a regular paycheck on regular intervals. So, we can start from the income. Knowing how much you have to work with makes planning easier. You know how much it will take to cover all of your expenses.  When we have a deficit, a second job can be a solution, and once again we adjust to the new income.


Business isnā€™t that way. You may have income in the first week of the month and nothing in the second. We may have extreme income differences each month, and we may not know how much we will have to work with when the month starts! This difference is what often leads to cash flow emergencies in business, and stress when you are running negative cash. You must know how much you need to make to cover all of your expenses, but you may not know exactly which week you will make what you need.  Business money management is more dynamic and requires at least a weekly look at how things are going. 


Here are three simple steps to managing your business income as it comes in, and to keep cash on hand.


  1. Know your B-Number. You must know what you need to make, and you must prioritize the B-Number expenses first. Pay these above all other expenses to keep the business operating and able to keep generating income. If you do not have it, get your free worksheets at


  1. Track your income as you make it. You donā€™t need to obsess over your money each day, I had a client who did that, and she never enjoyed being an entrepreneur. Just write down what you make every day you make money. For simplicity, go ahead and write the totals on a calendar the day it comes in.


  1. Pay your expenses when cash flow is positive. You can pay the bills weekly or bi-weekly but know when you have made your B-Number, and when you are funding other things such as marketing, debt, and growth. Other coaches may disagree with me, but I have held the water bill for an extra week to ensure that my cash flow was positive, meaning I had more left over after I paid the bill, and didnā€™t let it run dry. I tend to be a little nervous about not having cash on hand, so I wait until I have sufficient cash to pay my expenses.


Finally, as you are making more and more over your B-Number each month, make sure you are funding an emergency fund. A good rule of thumb is three times your B-Number to keep on hand to protect against cash crunches. Just open a free checking account and start to put some money away.

Many entrepreneurs low ball their prices for products and services in the beginning. I did.  For my own story, I had a coach that told me what I already knew, I was undercharging. Imposter syndrome is a real thing, and many of us tend to undervalue ourselves and the impact we make in the beginning of our entrepreneurial journey. This seems to be very common with service providers. Coaches, consultants, and freelancers typically start lower than they should, and are sometimes very slow to raise prices. Margins in service businesses are typically higher than many product-based businesses. Because there isnā€™t a ā€œwholesaleā€ cost, so to speak, many of us struggle to price our services. And if we donā€™t have a responding increase to the cost of doing business, we tend to struggle to ā€œjustifyā€ a price increase to ourselves.


There are a lot of articles and methods for pricing yourself in the marketplace, and also ways to raise your prices.  What I want to offer is a way to raise your prices when you are resisting the increase by identifying the increase with a name. Weā€™ll simply call it the ā€œprofit line.ā€ This can help with some of the hesitancy to increase prices, your ā€œbase priceā€ remains the same but you add on an increase which you categorize and have a real purpose for the money.


This system works because many of us struggle with money mindset, and the thought that raising our prices might mean we are greedy. ā€œI donā€™t need that muchā€ is the cry of the resistance. But you arenā€™t in business only to solve your needs. You are also in business to create profit and to reach your financial goals. If you donā€™t have yours defined yet, letā€™s get some profit goals and the why behind them written.  


You can decide what you want to add as a percentage or a number. For example, you charge $200.00 for a service. You add $20.00 as a 10% pure profit line, and the new price is $220.00 for your service. Your prices are raised, a bit, and moving forward every time you sell that service, you siphon off $20.00 to put into an account for profit. Give that account a name, a purpose. You donā€™t have to stop at 10%. You can add 50% profit and make your service $300.00. Your decision.


If you are resisting raising your service prices, give this method a try. Go ahead and figure out how much profit you will have in an account in a month if you add this line. Plan your next business move. What is this specific profit amount going to be for? Remember that any money without a name will run off and spend itself. Go ahead and raise your process. Just do it. Add a profit line this week. Happy Entrepreneuring!


This blog falls on, ā€œI Want You to Be Happy Day.ā€ Just so you know, I want that for you, I want you to be happy. As entrepreneurs we are always reaching for the next thing, and we can lose sight of our progress and just how far weā€™ve come. I know that I am guilty of this. I have a coach who celebrates successes every Friday, no matter how small. Just so she wonā€™t forget. Perhaps you can try that this week.

We hear a lot about employee wellness. Benefits in some companies include a number of free mental health counseling sessions, financial and retirement planning, and even gym memberships. But entrepreneurs tend to focus on the company and not personal wellness. And that can affect how you show up in the world.

Letā€™s be honest. Balance as an entrepreneur is a joke. Thereā€™s no such thing. Particularly in the beginning, and any time we scale and level up. We are either running ā€œballs to the wallā€ to get stuff launched, shipped, served, and completed or we are in regular mode. Iā€™ve never met an entrepreneur with perfect work/ life balance. Because many of us are ā€œall or nothingā€ effort givers. But when we play, we play equally ā€œall in.ā€

If we can accept that about ourselves, I think we can get rid of some of the ā€œlack of balanceā€ guilt, and just focus on enjoying the journey. Iā€™ve made a commitment to focus on that for 2020 as well. Here are a few things that I am doing to try to embrace the journey.

1. Perspective and purpose. I have a saying, ā€œThe perspective you have is the seat that you sit in.ā€ If we are all in the same car going to the same place the driver will have a different perspective than the passenger in the back, and the passenger in the back will be different than the front seat. But we are all moving along on the same trip. I try to keep that in my mind always. People do not have the same sense of urgency about things that I do, and thatā€™s ok, unless I am paying you to have my urgency!

Others will rightly view things from their point of view and how THEY benefit from the transaction, partnership, or experience. Keep that in mind. If you keep ā€œrealisticā€ expectations of others stress melts. You can understand someone having a bad day or being frustrated. You can remind yourself that we are all human, and not hold yourself out as ā€œmore bettererā€ than anyone else. We all know how to operate with grace and service. Keep yourself there and the journey becomes a little easier to walk.

2. Gratitude daily. I am admittedly not much of a journal keeper, so I personally struggle with a daily written exercise, so sometimes I just tell myself three things I am grateful for. I try to do this every morning, and again in the evening. Particularly after a challenging day. It doesnā€™t matter how you do it, or where, or when, try to cultivate an attitude of gratitude throughout your day. It really does help change a bad mood.

3. Be present. I have to work on this one, I tend to have a million things in my head at any one time. But I am really working this year to be present in every interaction. To give 100% of myself to my colleagues and clients. To listen carefully and give nothing else my attention when I am working with someone. It has actually made work more enjoyable. Everything else can wait. I have made it a practice to spend 2-3 minutes before a meeting doing a ā€œbrain dumpā€ onto a piece of paper before a meeting if I have a lot going on up there. This way Iā€™m not afraid of forgetting everything. I wrote it down and can be focused now on the current thing.

I hope these few tips help you embrace the journey and love your life more. Iā€™d love to hear your tips as well. Shoot me an email, post a comment, or hit me up on social. I am committed to making my walk as joyous as possible. During the climb, not just at the summit. Happy Entrepreneuring!