Business Foundations

Boot Camp

July 17 & 18, 2024

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Spend 2-Days Working ON Your Business

The most successful business owners set aside time regularly to work on their business.  The vision, the goals, the strategy.  They take the time to perform an honest assessment of the current operations, finances, team and processes.  They are proactive in planning and managing the projects supporting sustainable growth for the future. They play the long game.

Where Are You Going?

  • Have you been working hard to grow your business but feel like you’re hitting a plateau?
  • Are you constantly wondering how to find hot markets that can fuel your business’s success?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the process of market research and trend analysis?
  • Are you ready to understand what needs to be in your contract agreements to protect you and your business?
  • Are you avoiding the numbers and just “investing” without an expected “Return on Investment?”

Time to take stock. Gain or upgrade your business owner skills. Stop chasing the trends and thinking it’s just “marketing.” Tough love requires tough truth. 

Your long-term success requires the proper business mechanics, aligned with your mission and a growth mindset… while being open to the magic of opportunities that are meant for you. 

I need This Bootcamp





Work on the Mechanics

Create the systems and processes that work for you.  Courses on finances, operations, capacity, project planning, sales, and strategy. 

Grow Your Mindset

Own every decision. Get out of your own way. Don’t be the bottleneck.  Courses on minding yourself while minding your business. 


Mind Your Mission

Your vision is a gift to bring to the world. Courses on market research, customer experience, avoiding trends and building sustainability.

2-Days of Courses & Presentations for Working on your Next Level

Money Magic: Financial Principles

Legal Considerations

Finding Your Next Hot Market

Create Your Raving Fans: Customer Experiences

Bold Business: Mission for Success

Decision Making & Divine Feminine Logic

Get Started

writing agreement

About Dawn

Dawn K Kennedy is an author, attorney, business consultant, and the CEO of Convoy Road Coffee Roasters, LLC, the successful startup that grew from $121 in sales in January 2021 to over $17,000 a month ten months later.

Dawn has an extensive background in program management and has been in entrepreneurship since 2011. She has worked with both government and private sector businesses across industries for over 10 years. 

Dawn hosts The Profit Accelerator Podcast, available on your favorite podcast platform, and is the author of The Profit Accelerator for Small Business, a number two best seller in Business Consulting on Amazon. 

What to Expect

Through this 2-Day Boot Camp, you will:

✧ Get repeat buyers

✧ Get crystal clear on where you are going so every decision is going there

✧ Get organized and examine your money habits

✧ Know your numbers, look at expense categories, and understand your margins and profits

✧ Learn the basics of profit, calculate true costs, check profitability in products and services

✧ Develop strategy for growth and greater profitability

✧ Laser focus the areas for your investments with the biggest impact in your growth 

✧ Understand Cash Flow, get strategies, and learn how to navigate Cash Flow Crunches

✧ Identify the triggers, obstacles, and friction points and make a plan to get through them

✧ Stop being the bottleneck in your business and identify and defeat your sabotage cycle

✧ Learn a simple process for strategic planning and how to create executable plans for implementation of your ideas

✧ Develop a plan that guides your daily operations with flexibility to accept opportunities

✧ Gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental legal principles that are essential for your business

✧ Explore the essential components to incorporate into your contracts, explore various business structures, and gain valuable insights into situations that may necessitate seeking legal counsel

✧ Acquire knowledge on conducting thorough market research and uncovering avenues for business expansion


The Business Foundation Boot Camp goes beyond just teaching new skills and strategies. It helps you shift your mindset and business approach, so you can unleash your entrepreneurial potential and create a thriving business that aligns with your goals and aspirations.


Get Started


Boot Camp Schedule

All times are in EST

Day 1

10am: Welcome and Housekeeping

10:15- 12pm: Clarity of Vision and Creating Your Guide for Critical Decision Making

1:00-2:30pm: Systems Review and Gap Identification

2:45-4:30pm: Money Magic: Financial Organization and Systems that Work for YOU

4:45- 5:30 pm: Legal Considerations: Agreements and IP

Day 2 

10am-11:30: Finding Your Next Hot Market

11:45-1:00pm: Create Your Raving Fans

1:30-2:00: Are You the Bottleneck? 

2:00-3:30: Basics of Strategic Planning 

3:45-5:00: Building Your Project Plan

5:00- 5:30: Wrap up and Q&A 

“Working with Dawn brought me clarity about the financial outlook of my new business. Her insights highlighted ways to ensure the stability of my business, helping me to identify the areas where I can grow. Because of her coaching, I feel confident that I’m focusing on the right areas.”

Jerri Lynn Cook

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