Hi, I’m Dawn

I am a CEO, attorney, consultant, author, podcaster, business mentor. Your guide. I am also a business owner.
I don’t work on theory. I have real world experience starting, running, and selling businesses. I am a small business owner like you. 

About Me

I have years of experience as a project manager and consultant for the corporate world going back to 2007.  In 2011 my husband and I started a small consulting business that generated over a quarter of a million dollars a year until a near fatal accident in 2013 closed our doors. 

In 2013 I launched another company (7 months before the accident) which I grew for 5 years and cashed out in 2018 due to my unwillingness to pivot to meet market changes. 

I passed the bar in 2015 and have been a practicing business and consumer attorney since then. I continued self-employed consulting for the corporate world through 2018. 

In 2019 I began supporting entrepreneurs with their business needs for strategy, mentoring, and as someone who could help them hold the vision. 

In 2021 I started Convoy Road Coffee Roasters with my husband and have grown this products-led business to seven lines of revenue and multi six-figures a year with six employees and a second distributor location. 

For over 13 years I have been an entrepreneur and have been mentoring other business owners who are pursuing their own vision for the last five years. 

My passion is small business. I study it. I practice it. I’ve been an entrepreneur for many years.

My mission is to support entrepreneurs in growing lasting and sustainable businesses that meet their vision and goals. 



I specialize in turning your boldest business vision into reality. I don’t offer quick fixes or magic solutions; instead, I’m your partner in a transformative journey.

Together, we’ll build a sustainable, scalable, and profitable business.



I firmly believe that every challenge is a chance to innovate and grow.
I bring fresh perspectives and innovative strategies to the table, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.
Regardless of the economic climate, my commitment to your business’s success remains unwavering. 


Successful business operation and strategy are not intuitive. And at a phase of expansion a mentor can save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours.  Don’t try to wing it or figure it out yourself.
My clients have achieved extraordinary milestones, including the establishment of successful second locations, tripling their revenue in record time, and significantly enhancing their business valuations in preparation for strategic sales.

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