Defining Offers Your Audience Will Crave

One of the services people seek from me is defining offers that are strategic and are profitable.  My first step is to learn all I can about my client’s business and how they currently serve their clients. We then discuss how they are feeling about their business.


I’ve had clients come to me ready to pivot, ready to stop doing what they have been doing up to that point.  Truly loving what you do is critical to long-term success in business.


Shocked Client




There are many approaches to defining offers that clients are excited to buy.  One is to first define your “Ideal Client Avatar” or ICA.


My approach is a little different. I first want to know why people would come to YOU for what you do.


What is your unique perspective, method, approach? If someone is shopping for what it is you do and sell, and all other things being equal, what do you think the deciding factor would be for the client to choose you? Have you ever answered that question before? 


Secondly, the next step is to ask where the client is in their journey with your current offers.


Do they need to really know you to work with you or can they align quickly with your results? One way to explain this is, do they need to commit 3-6 months to work with you, or can they get you for an hour or two? Or do you have an “entry-level” thing to sell? or are you currently only a long-term commitment? 


Guess what, all approaches are fine. You just need to recognize where the client has to be to take advantage of your offer.


Thirdly,  ask what levels of results do you want to offer? I want my clients to go from A-B, C-D, and E-H. Maybe you just have one result. But know what it is.


Lastly, define where you want to serve new clients in your world. For some people, they want to serve on a recurring basis, like in a membership or subscription.






However, some have more of a stair-step approach. Some serve new people with free masterclasses for several days before making any paid offer. Again, it is about your results and how you get them.




There is no one right way to create and sell your offers, and I don’t believe that everyone should have a certain number of offers available. I have paid courses, workshops, group and 1:1 programs, and a book, and then free resources, masterclasses, and a podcast. Plus, this blog. But this isn’t the right mix for everyone and every business. These offers are what work for my clients along a spectrum of needs and desired results and feels really good for me to offer and serve. 


I recommend that you approach your current offers through this process and evaluate what you can offer to fill any service and results gaps in your current programs. One other thing to do is to ask people if there is anything you should be offering differently. That question actually created a 12-week program because the 6-week profit accelerator felt too rushed for one of my clients. Don’t be afraid to ask your audience how you can serve!


Creating your signature offer is one way you can be sure you reach the right audience and hone your message. One that you will be known for.  One that people will seek you out for.  Your signature can be a course, program, flavor, color, packaging, template, the sky is the limit. 


No matter your business or industry, your voice, your values, and your point of view are unique to you. Your message will resonate with some people, and not with others. And that’s just fine.


Creating Your Signature Offer


The one thing about creating your signature offer is that it needs to be on-brand. It needs to be cohesive with your voice, message, image, and values. Make sure you know these things for yourself before you start creating your signature offer. To start crafting your signature offer, answer the questions below.




What do you want to be known for?


It’s the Profit Accelerator for me. The programs, the (upcoming) podcast, the book, all of it. I want to be the go-to for entrepreneurs who want to make more money and keep more profit by starting with their numbers. I know profit creates impact and I want small business owners to have a tremendous impact in their communities and in society.





What change or transformation do you want your clients to have through your signature thing?


I want people to be empowered with their money. Confident in making financial decisions. I want them to walk away from my signature Profit Accelerator experience with positive permanent changes that make entrepreneurship better for them. You need to be very, very clear about what your clients will experience through your signature thing. Your answers in this step will help you define the actual offer in the next step.





What’s the best format for your clients to get that change?


In the program I created, it is a hybrid between 1:1 sessions and group coaching for a six to twelve-week timeframe with the singular goal of generating revenue and keeping the profit. For some of you, it will be a course, whether online or live. For others, it will be with your products. You know your audience, make sure you are meeting them where they are so you can help them get to where they want to be.





What feels good for you to deliver?


The final question has to do with alignment. Your signature offer must represent you and you must feel good delivering it to the world.  If you are not a webinar and PowerPoint person, you can’t force your signature offer into that format. Really think about this. The way you deliver your signature thing is the way people will remember you.


There are still two weeks left for 2020, why not take a little time and create the thing you want to be known for in 2021. Daydream a bit if you need to. Visualize it, feel it, and outline whatever you need to in order to bring your signature thing to the world in 2021.


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