Every entrepreneur starts with a passion project, because if you don’t have a passion, what exactly are you bringing into the world? Of course, you can just have a business without loving it, but in reality, it is your love of what you do that resonates with customers and brings in the sales.

Passion is the key to getting up early and staying late. It is the secret sauce that makes your eyes sparkle as you serve your audience.

As you can see it is a critical component to successful entrepreneurship.


But passion is not the only element


You need more than passion, it’s a necessarily element, but not the only one. I love this quote by Dixie Gillaspie:

“Passion without a plan, without action, and without hard work may be doggie do-do, but without passion you’ll run out of energy long before your actions yield the desired result.”

The action portion of entrepreneurship comes from a different place. It comes from decision.


What does this mean?


Looking to Merriam Webster dictionary, “decide” means: “to make a final choice or judgment about”.

The root of the Latin word actually means “to cut off” and when you make a decision you cut off any other choice. Decide isn’t an action we are supposed to take too lightly, in that there are other choices available and this should be done after careful consideration.

Many people believe we decide with our heads and in some ways, we do. We do a quick analysis around what each choice should mean and the result we should expect.

But when we truly “cut off” any other option except for the one we pursue; it has to come from your gut, and you need to mentally “burn the boats” that keep you on your decision on track.

In 1519 Hernan Cortes landed on the shores of Mexico with 600 men, and upon arrival, he destroyed their boats, meaning, there’s no going back.

This is a powerful psychological commitment to the decision. It’s important to recognize that Hernan probably had a good idea about “how” to take over the country, but probably every step didn’t goes as originally expected.

Making a decision doesn’t mean knowing exactly how to execute, just that you are committed to get it done and to keep going no matter what comes up on the journey. Once you burn your boats you will show up in a different way, with an attitude that you will reach your goals, no matter what.

That failure is not an option, even if you haven’t nailed down exactly how to reach your definition of success. Mix this power of decision with your passion and you will have an unstoppable internal mix for entrepreneurship.

That decision keeps you showing up when things get rough or go south for a bit, and your passion will keep you creating, selling, and serving.

Once you make that decision, you don’t have to put the processes in place by yourself. I’m here to help your passion business make more money and keep more profit! Let’s get on a free call to talk about your goals and your vision for your company. Visit https://dawnkennedy.as.me/support

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